Week 15 - Intellectual Property and Fundraising and Pitch Deck Contents


VolunPeerism is the masterpiece of Project Argonauts, and shall be protected under the law with regards to intellectual property. This way, the mobile application will received protection rights against potential misuse or other illegal activities

Republic Act 8293

Also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, both the VolunPeerism and the logo of Project Argonauts will be under this law. Therefore, prohibiting other potential business or other companies from using our trademark or product without proper uses or permission from us. Thus, they are liable and be held accountable if they continue their illegal actions towards the misue of our property.


VolunPeerism, as aforementioned from the previous weekly blogs, composed of a community as a whole, that helps other people in need, as well as join in environmental activities. As such, Project Argonauts will use this as a medium to implement fundraising campaigns such as for mental health awareness, clean-and-green programs, and other social events that the community will hold.


Slide 1. Introduction

Slide 2. MVP

Slide 3. Market Sizing

Slide 4. BMC

Slide 5. Traction Channels & VPC

Slide 6. Revenue Models & Competitors

Slide 7. Project Argonauts Members

This is the initial PowerPoint presentation of Project Argonauts with the VolunPeerism application. It is in its initial phase, but will be improved in the future before the upcoming pitch deck.