Week 14 - Digital Marketing

In the world of technology, the revolutionary stand point of digitalization has lead marketing strategies to promote their products to the face of the internet. This way, Project Argonauts used numerous approach and strategies to ensure that the team will reach a wider audience and potentially gain future customers and greater profit. But, this is to take into account that the main objective of the team is not to profit as a mean of making a business out of mental health support, but rather to acquire more users to be part of the movement and join the community to make a difference.


As aforementioned from the previous Week #13 blog, Project Argonauts will utilized different social media platforms through advertising. This is due to the fact that almost every other indivudal globally owns at least one social media account. Thus, it is a great strategy to promote the VolunPeerism mobile application through this medium as it has distinct and larger user base and can be used to gain more future volunteers and users of the mobile application.


VolunPeerism, in its own terms, is not only about mental health support, but also as a community. This community is growing in numbers over time, and each member contributes significantly for the future not merely for a mentally healthier community, but also a better environment for everyone. Through this unique feature, Project Argonauts will use this as a form to promote it to other companies that would be willing to support the team with the movement, program, and the continuous development of the VolunPeerism mobile application.